At a time where you have a lot of options to buy, lot of products to choose from, lot of requirements and a lot of scams, here I attempt to write a review of the product so you would know what you are buying, for the price you are paying. Started blogging in 2021 January. Thanks to covid for all the nonsense it has put us through, at the same time giving us a lot of time to look within and to do what we have wanted to do IF we had the time.
By subscribing to my blog, you can expect a review of products or services including of a brief explanation of technical terms that most of you would ignore while buying a product. I intend to review not just products but a list of places, recipes, movies, services. you would also see the price, a rating on amazon incase of products, a comparison in pricing between India and US, a direct link to the product page. If you want me to review something, feel free to contact me. Oh that isn't something that is stopping you to just say hi and have a casual talk.
Are you thinking of sharing my reviews with people? Hell yeah! Go ahead :)
If you have any questions, please let me know